Welcome to the new authorisation portal dedicated to manufacturers.
This portal was created to authorise the library access requests by Specifi users.
1 Click the following link.
2 Enter your username and password to access your control panel.

3 Your Dashboard contains all the general information.

This is the list of the brands you are in charge of approving.
Export of information requests. You can use filters to refine your selection.

STATUS: Stage of the current request. NEW (yellow), AUTHORISED (green), PENDING (blue) and DENIED (red). You can always change the status of any request by checking the appropriate box
SUPPLIER: Brand requested
PRICELIST: Pricelist you are assigning to that specific customer
CONTACT: First Name, Last Name and email address of the user that request the library
COMPANY: Organization Name in which that CONTACT is working for
COUNTRY: Country origin of the company
REQUESTED ON: When the request was sent from the user
REPLIED ON: When the request was managed
AUTHORIZER: Person with the manufacturer organization who approved the request
REPLY: You can check if a request is pre-authorised by the system or for reasons of a denial
4 Select “Pending” filter and see all the requests not authorised yet.

5 Select the brand you want to authorise in “All suppliers” dropdown menu.
You can select all by activating the checkbox at the top left or select requests one by one.

6 Select “Authorised” and choose the pricelist you want (you can assign multiple pricelists to one user) and click “Save”.

7 If you want to deny a request click on “deny”. System will ask you to select a reason for denial.

Denial Reason are shown in the “Reply“ column.

8 At any time you can modify status of any request changing to Authorised, Denied or Pending .
If you are approving a request, you have to assign proper pricelist.
9 When all requests are processed, the dashboard will appear empty.

10 When your activity is complete, click on your Account Name (top right) and log out.